K - 5th Grade



...employs a comprehensive approach to literacy, encompassing all its fundamental elements: oral language (listening and speaking), word study (vocabulary development and phonics/decoding), reading (comprehension and fluency), and language arts (writing, grammar, and spelling). Leveled instructional materials guide differentiated instruction, implemented through a mix of whole-class lessons, small groups, literacy centers, and independent activities tailored to individual student needs

6th - 8th Grade



...integrates multifaceted language development through reading, writing, listening, thinking, and speaking skills. Students deeply engage with various literary genres, analyzing characterization, plot, setting, and theme through in-class discussions and written assignments. Using literature, personal experience, and relevant topics as inspiration, the program cultivates a well-rounded approach to writing, fostering the development of different paragraph structures and compositions.

9th - 12th Grade



...cultivates a robust foundation in writing, reading, and critical thinking. Through a diverse selection of classic, contemporary, and global literature, students refine their grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills via engaging assignments. These include reaction/reflection essays, formal and personal pieces, multimedia presentations, and research projects—all designed to enhance comprehension and empower students to articulate well-developed arguments.The table below represents an overview of

  • English I


    English I focuses on various works of literature, including but not limited to poetry, plays, novels, short stories, essays and speeches. Student discussion focuses on the traditions of various cultures and the basic literary elements of the different genres. Students continue to develop their vocabulary, grammar and composition skills.

  • English II

    10TH GRADE

    English II expands students' literary analysis and writing skills. Students focus on reading and research that encourages discussion and allows for student contribution. Special emphasis is placed on writing a comparative analysis between fiction, non-fiction and multimedia texts.

  • English III

    11TH GRADE

    English III focuses on selected works that require a higher level of both critical reading skills and independent analysis. Students respond to the readings by contributing to class discussion and creating oral and written projects. Writing instruction centers on the importance of clarity and structure in essays, presentations and research projects.

  • English IV

    12TH GRADE

    English IV analyzes pieces of literature that broaden students' understanding of human nature and universal concerns such as relationships, materialism, technology and racism. Students apply their interpretive and analytical skills, participate in class discussions and activities and write in a multiple of genres in order to extend their ability to illustrate their knowledge and understanding. The research process is further practiced resulting in the completion of a well-documented research paper.

RUGBY is the PERFECT program for your child!

We offer a variety of programs that are aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.

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